Erasmus Learning Agreement Uni Stuttgart

Yazının yazıldığı tarih Tarih: 9 Nisan 2021  Yazının ait olduğu kategori Bölüm: Genel  Yazının okunma sayısı Okunma: 511 views  Yazıya yapılan toplam yorum Yok.

1. Access your application workflow in Mobility-Online and click “Full Learning Agreement.” The HMDK in Stuttgart estimates that all nominated Erasmus students have been assessed under the GER framework at their home university. Talk to the Erasmus coordinator at your home university if you have any questions about the requirements of the agreement in question. All exchange students update their apprenticeship contracts at least once before the end of the semester. If there is no change to your apprenticeship agreement during the semester, you will have nothing to do unless your home university needs a new version of your apprenticeship agreement. Check to see if your WebOodi listings are up to date. If the course is absent due to late enrollment, contact the student customer service in opinto (at) and ask them to add a course to your studies. Please note that late registration is always required by the course leader. Students can use Erasmus to study at a partner university in another partner program or country or to do an internship and internship in a program country. It gives them the opportunity to improve their social and cultural skills as well as their career prospects. Erasmus (Erasmus – EuRopean community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) remains the largest exchange program in terms of student numbers. The University of Hohenheim has more than 150 exchange contracts with nearly 100 partner universities under the Erasmus programme and partner countries.

Use the new Erasmus Learning Agreement from your home university. Sign the printed form and leave it in the mailbox you will find in the hallway next to the student service door. The mailbox is checked every day. You will be informed by email if you can get them back. It is your responsibility to send them to your home university students who have an Erasmus agreement with our university, the Staatlichen Hochschule for Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart (HMDK) can spend one to two semesters at the HMDK as part of their studies. Before changing your learning agreement, note this: One course can be added or deleted, but not both! There is no interruption button for this action, so every time you add or delete a course, it is displayed in the learning agreement – even several times. Check page 2 before printing. The apprenticeship agreement is your curriculum for your stay in Stuttgart. This is a form that you receive from your home university to take the courses you wish to take at the University of Stuttgart. It will then be signed by your home university and the Erasmus Scientific Advisor at the University of Stuttgart.

It is possible to change an apprenticeship contract after arrival, if necessary. The amendments must be approved by both universities. After downloading your complete documents, they are automatically sent to your Erasmus university advisor who signs the apprenticeship agreement. Please download the final apprenticeship contract (signed by you, your home university and Erasmus University Advisor at the University of Stuttgart) to your online mobility account and send it to the International Office. If you have an apprenticeship agreement from your home university; Update, sign and registration at LUT Student Services to Ms. Riitta Salminen.

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