Memoq Support And Maintenance Agreement

Yazının yazıldığı tarih Tarih: 11 Nisan 2021  Yazının ait olduğu kategori Bölüm: Genel  Yazının okunma sayısı Okunma: 467 views  Yazıya yapılan toplam yorum Yok.

Maintenance: the availability for the customer of new versions of memoQ products published by the supplier during the duration of the support and maintenance service. c) Automatic upgrades: If the customer has a valid ADM or a subscription license, the provider will automatically update the memoQ product on the server or at a pre-negotiated time to the latest supported version and build. The customer may ask the supplier not to upgrade, but in this case, the supplier`s liability in case of damage is largely removed (see item 46). 40. The client can access all past and spent questions he has submitted. The customer should not access problems submitted by other customers. Customer support issues belonging to an organization can be seen by all authorized staff in that organization. The customer can contact the supplier`s support and support team if they wish to clarify the group of authorized employees. b) On Saturdays and Sundays, “normal” or “normal” tickets are answered in 24 (twenty-four) hours of work.

“Urgent” and “critical” tickets must be answered before the end of on-call hours, provided they are submitted at least 3 (three) hours before the end of the support hours. 46. memoQ Ltd. may offer support and maintenance services in a single purchase including licenses for the product and associated service contract. MemoQ Ltd., however, is not required to offer such packages. 61. This license is the entire license agreement between the user and memoQ Ltd. which replaces all other licensing agreements or discussions, orally or in writing, and can only be amended by a signed agreement. 58. memoQ Ltd. ensures and guarantees that they process and use the user`s personal data and contact information for the purposes and terms described in the Privacy Policy, which is available in the Law section of the website. MemoQ`s business services team offers premium support and maintenance (SMA) that goes well beyond standard support.

As memoQ and customer workflows become increasingly complex, it can easily become a growing challenge for LSPs and businesses to maintain business continuity and optimize resources. 65. The supplier treats and confidentially manages all personal data of the customer, in accordance with the data protection rules established by national data protection legislation; European Commission Regulation 2016/679/EC (RGPD); and the supplier`s privacy policy, available at any time at the web address: Some of the terms described in this section also apply to support and support for the memoQ server hosting service (see Chapter VI). However, support and support for server hosting is a restricted service and does not include memoQ updates or support for memoQ and memoQ servers.

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