Vendor In Agreement Differs From Fixed Vendor

Yazının yazıldığı tarih Tarih: 13 Ekim 2021  Yazının ait olduğu kategori Bölüm: Genel  Yazının okunma sayısı Okunma: 1.010 views  Yazıya yapılan toplam yorum Yok.

Put the license plate of the regular supplier in the general data of the information set. In order for the regular supplier to be pulled when searching for the source, it is necessary to activate the regular use of the supplier in the customization of the relevant factory. If the license plate has been placed in the information set and the corresponding customizing adjustment has been made, the regular supplier is offered as the only source. If there are other framework agreement positions in the system, the outcome of the source search process depends on the existence of a list of sources. We therefore recommend using the regular vendor installation only in a scenario where only information sets have been created in the system. If you try to use a regular supplier with a list of sources and enter a supplier other than the regular supplier in the source list or quota order, the system issues an alert message. The license plate of the regular supplier is placed in the general data of the information set. In order for the regular supplier to be pulled when searching for the source, it is necessary to activate the regular use of the supplier in the customization of the relevant factory. If the license plate has been placed in the information set and the corresponding customizing adjustment has been made, the regular supplier is offered as the only source of supply. How do I delete this Fixed vendor field data form? Go to the list of sources Disable the fixed operator control boxIf the deposited fixed vendor is in editable mode, change it differently in the screen layout mentioned above. Based on the price contract or your hosting with the provider, you can set the supplier for the delivery of material or service.

You can maintain them in the source list (ME010). Here you can also block a supplier for the purchase of hardware or service. Anurag, I don`t understand what you intend to do, but the concept of regular supplier to SAP solves all your childhood illnesses. Kannan The PR-11907801 is not converted to PO. The error message is “Contract Supplier 20280 differs from Supplier 197790″ Notification Number 47”. PR is displayed in the list below under 197790 suppliers, but in the fixed PR/contract supplier is 20280. . . .

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