Exclusive Distribution Agreements Competition Law

Yazının yazıldığı tarih Tarih: 9 Nisan 2021  Yazının ait olduğu kategori Bölüm: Genel  Yazının okunma sayısı Okunma: 419 views  Yazıya yapılan toplam yorum Yok.

In general, the parties are required to conduct their own analysis of whether their agreements benefit from Article 101, paragraph 3, but the Commission has also adopted “category exemption regulations” on certain types of common trade agreements, which contain clear rules on the conditions that must be met and the conditions that can be included in an agreement on Article 101, paragraph 3. The category exemption for distribution (the category exemption for vertical agreements (vABER) is one of the main exemption regulations by category of EU competition law in terms of the number of agreements it applies (distribution agreements and other supply agreements are commonplace). Until the end of 2020, the EU Competition Law Regulation will continue to exist during the transitional period. From 2021, the UK Competition Authority (CMA) will take over from the European Commission (EC) in the field of competition law enforcement. Anti-competitive agreements are agreements between companies that prevent, restrict or distort competition and affect trade in the UK and/or the EU. For more information on the impact of Brexit on UK competition law, visit the government`s website. It is clear that the latter of these restrictions is of particular importance for selective distribution. According to VABER, it is possible to prohibit authorized distributors from reselling competing brands, but any obligation to boycott products from a particular supplier will not benefit from the exemption. This provision is intended to prevent a number of suppliers using the same selective distributors from being able to prevent certain competitors from using these distributors, which may remove the market from those suppliers.

The Competition Authority rejects Molotov`s complaint about the practices of TF1 and M6 for lack of evidence, Molotov is a television channel distribution platform that aggregates and broadcasts French audiovisual programmes on the Internet. The app (…) On 25 June 2020, the Bundeskartellamt (FCO) approved Intersport`s online sales model via a common online platform under the Intersport identity brand for small traders. Intersport is the world`s largest federation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the sports trade. Sound (…) Selective distribution: Selective distribution agreements, such as Zwiereiher, limit the number of licensed distributors and resale opportunities.

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