Norton Licence Agreement

Yazının yazıldığı tarih Tarih: 11 Nisan 2021  Yazının ait olduğu kategori Bölüm: Genel  Yazının okunma sayısı Okunma: 578 views  Yazıya yapılan toplam yorum Yok.

Open source software. Some products may contain open source software that is subject to the corresponding open source license. To request a copy of the open source software for your licensed product pursuant to the corresponding open source license, please send an email request to, including your full name; Your country of residence The name of the product Product number (if available) Product software version and operating system (if any); Reseller, dealer or other supplier from whom you purchased the product And the place and date of purchase. Upon receipt, we can process your request immediately in accordance with the current open source license. If you have a signed contract (“Signed Contract”) that regulates the use of products or services that we or an authorized partner has purchased, the signed agreement will apply. If you do not have a signed agreement, the use of the products and services is carried out in accordance with the published terms and conditions. To confirm this, you can make them available and use them in this geographic region if the published terms and conditions in force or in relation to the signed agreement regarding our products or services limit the supply or use. Sometimes you can`t use your Norton product until you accept the license agreement. Click on the License Agreement link to read and accept the terms of the license agreement. If you purchased a subscription on our website, the following ADDITIONAL TERMS also apply to your use of Software and Services: Terms of Sale. Please note to read these additional conditions. Find the terms and conditions for your use of NortonLifeLock products and services, except as long as you have another agreement directly with NortonLifeLock that controls your use of the products and services. Note to our Japanese customers: 財産権帰属 NortonLifelock Inc.

(旧Symantec Corporation持 を財産権を含切 付随利益 権権利べ対複) 2018-3-29-付-NortonLifelock Ireland Ltd. (旧Symantec Limited) – 示 契権利客対示示, 権利” “NortonlockLife持” (2020-20-効) In order to use your Norton product, you must first accept the licensing and service agreement.

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